About Us
Company Heads

Mohit Sauhta
Consulting Partner at Beesbridge LLC

Venkat Dasari
Consulting Partner at Beesbridge LLC
Top companies across industry sectors work with our data management gurus, and cloud computing specialists to maximize the value from their data environments by building scalable data engineering pipelines and robust analytics solutions. Leveraging our deep understanding of Big Data architecture and Cloud computing concepts, we specialize in helping enterprises reduce total cost of operations and realize revenue faster by reducing go to market timelines.

Beesbridge is headquartered in Charlotte, NC, USA and Bengaluru, KA, India, and serves the customers worldwide.
To ensure that we provide best engineering talent to our clients, we invest heavily in future technologies, platforms and toolings to stay ahead of the competitors. We are accredited partners with industry leaders in Data Warehousing, Data Lakehouse, and Analytics. We are the trusted and experienced technology advisors, you can rely on to help select the best of breed platform and build next generational solutions that will unleash the true value of your data.